For venue owners

Create revenue from your venue’s idle capacity and increase customer satisfaction through the addition of a unique and sought after service.
Spacehub is a valuable addition to shopping centres, coffee shops, airports and company lobbies. Spacehub increases customer flows to other areas of your venue and adds a unique, revenue-generating element to your space.

Coffee shops:

Modern ways of working have given rise to the use of coffee shops as preferred locations for workers on the go. By placing a Spacehub in close proximity to a given coffee shop, these same remote workers can grab their coffee to go and utilise Spacehub’s private, peaceful work- and meeting space. Win-win!
Working in a Spacehub, rather than a public coffee shop, allows for worker privacy and eliminates the risk of confidential company information being leaked. Spacehubs are located in close proximity to key services, amenities and traffic hubs, making it the perfect spot for hosting work lunches and teleconferences.
A two person Spacehub requires only 1.75m2 of floor area.

Shopping centres:

Shopping centres typically have an abundance of empty hallway space. Now you can create additional income from your venue’s idle capacity and increase customer satisfaction through the addition of a unique and sought after service.

Company lobbies:

Place a Spacehub in your company’s lobby and create extra capacity for your employees to work and hold meetings! By utilising the larger Spacehub network, companies have the chance to permanently reduce expensive rented office spaces.


Frequent business travellers often find themselves at a loss for private working areas and airports typically have an abundance of empty hallway space. Spacehub offers a solution to these pain points. Airports can create additional income from this idle capacity and increase customer satisfaction through the addition of a Spacehub work- and meeting spaces.
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We offer venue owners the following income model:

In this model, the venue purchases or leases the Spacehub ‘pod’ and Spacehub provides its software, adds the venue’s pod into the Spacehub app and handles marketing and technical implementation. In this model, revenue is shared with 70% going to the venue and 30% to Spacehub.

Spacehub modules needs the following floor area:

2 person Spacehub: 1,75 m2
4 person Spacehub 3,5 m2